Sunday, November 28, 2010

Science of Happiness

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"The Plant needs more Soil" - Of dreams and Nourishment

This week I had a really vivid dream.

In front of me there was this man with particular features - He was of a Half-African and Half-Asian race, middle stature with eyes that could talk in sheer silence.

He said to me in a gentle yet firm way: "The Plant needs more soil"

I looked around me to see where I can get more soil for this plant yet all the soil was already taken by the other plants.

In my thoughts I said: This means I have to get out from the warmth and comfort of the house and go outside to seek the soil. Inside of me I was saying what an inconvenience at this hour but not impossible.

The man wasn't there anymore and I woke up.


I believe this dream came at the right time and at the right setting. If I had to look at my life right now, I see that I am pretty satisfied with most aspects and feel that I have achieved considerably at my age, yet I don't have enough 'soil' to nourish one very important aspect of my whole self - spirituality.

Spirituality, in whatever way you understand it, will always be an integral part of you. You may refuse to nourish it, but it will remain a part of you. This yearning to grow spirituality was already highlighted in my previous blog 'Just Be Still - It's your time' where I said that I needed the space to reflect, meditate, etc...

My own thoughts in the dream show that there is a willingness to grow spiritually but it requires me to get out my comfort zone and out in the 'cold'. It may be a journey that will require some good preparation and guidance, but it's not at all an impossible task.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just be still - it's your time

I have to say that recently my life was just a whole big rush of things. Trying to catch up with the daily routine of work - home - errands - relationship and social life plus the ad hoc stuff that come up every so often.

I feel literally drained...not physically but rather emotionally and psychologically. People have infinite demands and you are expected to keep your energy levels at an optimum and if you say no you fear they might get offended.

I am now realising it's time for me to take the time, a day or two away from everything and just be still - Reflect on my life priorities and take the time meditate/pray, sing, take long walks along the countryside and read.

I am sharing this with you because I'm sure you have been or will be feeling this way too at some point in your life. If you do, it's useless taking all your anger, tension and frustration on the people you love as you end up hurting them and make the problem even worse. Instead I suggest you to find a retreat house where you can go there for a day or two and just appreciate the silence and the small things of everyday life.

Believe me, you will come back to your routine filled with vibrant energy and a positive outlook.