Sunday, November 21, 2010

"The Plant needs more Soil" - Of dreams and Nourishment

This week I had a really vivid dream.

In front of me there was this man with particular features - He was of a Half-African and Half-Asian race, middle stature with eyes that could talk in sheer silence.

He said to me in a gentle yet firm way: "The Plant needs more soil"

I looked around me to see where I can get more soil for this plant yet all the soil was already taken by the other plants.

In my thoughts I said: This means I have to get out from the warmth and comfort of the house and go outside to seek the soil. Inside of me I was saying what an inconvenience at this hour but not impossible.

The man wasn't there anymore and I woke up.


I believe this dream came at the right time and at the right setting. If I had to look at my life right now, I see that I am pretty satisfied with most aspects and feel that I have achieved considerably at my age, yet I don't have enough 'soil' to nourish one very important aspect of my whole self - spirituality.

Spirituality, in whatever way you understand it, will always be an integral part of you. You may refuse to nourish it, but it will remain a part of you. This yearning to grow spirituality was already highlighted in my previous blog 'Just Be Still - It's your time' where I said that I needed the space to reflect, meditate, etc...

My own thoughts in the dream show that there is a willingness to grow spiritually but it requires me to get out my comfort zone and out in the 'cold'. It may be a journey that will require some good preparation and guidance, but it's not at all an impossible task.

Wish me luck!

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