Thursday, August 19, 2010

How can life coaching help you?

Do you ever wonder what life coaching is all about? Why on earth would someone need to see a coach for help? Sounds a bit like you could be cajoled into some kind of early morning fitness regime - no thanks!

Usually it's only when something happens to rock your world, maybe a relationship breakdown, redundancy, a bereavement, that you might look around for some kind of help. These life changing events, and sometimes other experiences such as being bullied, becoming ill or feeling unhappy at work, mean you can lose your self confidence and sense of direction. Feelings of stress and anxiety, negative thoughts and low self-esteem can send you into a downward spiral.
Maybe you've known or know of someone in that situation. Someone who's:
not motivated enough to take the first positive steps to change
getting stuck in negative thoughts and going round in circles

finding it difficult to see the wood from the trees

feeling nervous about things they've done or not done

worried about what people will think if they make changes

Coaching workshop in progress
Life coaching teaches relatively simple and effective strategies to help you solve problems. The methods used have a very practical focus on creating a positive future rather than delving into a painful past and difficult emotions. A life coach will usually talk with you first and then agree a set number of sessions to work through this process with you. Most life coaches have their own business rather than work for organisations, and often specialise in helping people deal with specific problems whether at work, making relationships or within families.

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