Friday, July 16, 2010

Transforming your 'I want' into 'I have'

  We dream of a successful life and we work hard to achieve that state, yet we are often deluded by the obstacles that come across our path towards success. Life brings with it new challenges with each phase of our lives. 
It is how we deal with those challenges that makes the difference. Our experiences of the past may have given us conscious or unconscious negative messages that fed into our low self-esteem and lack of confidence; with phrases such as "you are not capable", "it is not worth trying" or "you will never be recognised for what you truly are".  As a result, we make a choice to stick to the status quo, remain in our comfort zone and forget our aspirations of ever achieving our goals in life.

Thank goodness we have the knowledge that we have the inner strength to beat our worst enemy - fear! Fear keeps us away from experiencing new horizons, new insights and new fulfillments which lead us towards the path of success. We do not have the power like that of a video game to 'restart' our adventure but we do have the ability to direct our own future. 

Whatever success means to you, I can help you gain the confidence, will and motivation to achieve it! Life coaching is all about that - being your detached and objective partner in life and coaching you step by step, goal by goal to achieve your ultimate aim in life.

I thank you for taking the time to visit my website and I welcome you to browse through the pages to know more about coaching and my practice. Feel free to contact me for any queries and suggestions or to know more of the services that I offer. I'd be happy to offer you a FREE 30-minute introductory coaching session.

Yours Truly

Clayton Mercieca

Creative-Life Coach

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