Saturday, July 17, 2010

Punctuality is key to gain respect

To be punctual for appointments, dates and meetings seems to be quite a challenge for most people and it seems they are helpless about it and discouraged from ever changing such habit. Being late every now and then is OK, but such habit on a daily basis may build up unnecessary stress and tension with your loved ones, in your business and friends.

These are some of my personal tips which help me be always on the dot.

  • Start preparing for your appointment 2 hours in advance. If you start work at 9am, I would recommend to wake up at 7am. It takes a good 7 - 15 minutes to convince yourself that you need to get your ass out of the bed. You will have 45 minutes hassle-free breakfast-shower-tooth brushing-dressing up. In Malta, driving to work could take between 20 - 45 minutes+ especially if it is rush hour. Prepare for work a couple of hours before helps you get to work without extra stress and with a clear mind of what you need to do

  • Another technique which could work for some but not for others is to forward all your clocks and watches by 15 minutes.

  • I recommend my compulsively late clients to write all their meetings, chores and to-do's the night before on paper or on their diary (if you do not have one, then it's about time). They find this suggestion to help them a lot.

  • Prioritise, Compromise and Prioritise. If you have a lot to do and back-to-back meetings to attend in a single day, take 2 minutes of your time to reflect which chores and commitments take top importance. If your driving lesson finishes at 12.00 and you have a job interview at 12.15, you can always postpone your driving lesson to another date or time. It's very improbable that you will finish at exactly 12.00! You don't want to risk starting on the wrong foot with your new employer.

  • If you're stuck in traffic and there's a big chance that you'll be late, it is good practice to call whoever is waiting for you to inform them the reason of your delay. This would avoid any misunderstandings or disappointments.

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